Mickey Newbury, Lamp

The release of Mickey’s autobiographical masterpiece, A Long Road Home, brought 2001 to a dramatic conclusion. What an eventful year it was, with the digital remastering of the box set, The Mickey Newbury Collection, and continuing work on projects.

The first of these was the revision of Disc #1 in the 2 CD set, It Might As Well Be The Moon. Originally issued in 1988 as In A New Age, we issued it in the 2 CD format in 1999, combining the original in a revised form with additional instrumentation and a masterful concert performance from San Francisco’s Great American Music Hall. Mickey’s vision for the original CD was unmet by the revision, so we started over and added additional bass accompaniment to the two tracks performed by Edgar Meyer. The result was magnificent, and this remarkable one take “live” studio recording is an essential Newbury recording.

On February 26, Mountain Retreat released another essential Newbury recording. Titled Winter Winds, this is also a one take “live” recording produced in a studio format with accompaniment by Jack Williams (guitar), John Catchings (cello), Craig Nelson (bass) and a few other excellent musicians. Originally released in a live concert setting as Nights When I Am Sane, the entire recording has been remixed and reworked into a dark, intimate production of many of Mickey’s classics, such as Angeline, Ramblin’ Blues, Poison Red Berries, Just Dropped In, San Francisco Mabel Joy, 33rd Of August, Nights When I Am Sane, Genevieve, Jubal Lee’s Revival, and more. This will surely take its place among Mickey’s finest recordings.

Mickey also started working with his engineer-producer, Paula Wolak, on another CD, Blue To This Day, which featured many of Mickey’s new compositions, including Little Blue Robin, The Two Step Goes On, Tildie, Help Me Son, Mississippi Moon, and others.

Sit a spell on the Front Porch and chat with Mickey’s friends about music, life, and whatever takes wing. We appreciate all the support and help we’ve received over the years since starting to produce and distribute Mickey’s music, and we wish you health, happiness and, in the words of one of the Porch regulars, “pleasant listening.”